Lugol's Iodine 15% 30ml
Iodine is an essential element which is lacking in Western diets. We should all be taking iodine 1mg daily at least.
- Use a salt pipe.This is simply a clay pot filled with sea salt that can be used as an inhaler.
- Drizzle Lugol’s iodine 1-4 drops (whatever is tolerated) into the mouth piece – sniff this through the nose and exhale through the mouth. Everyone will need to experiment and find what suits them.
- Also use Valsalva manoeuvre to blow the iodine vapour into the middle ear and sinuses. Pinch the nose and blow into it so the ears pop.
- Keep going until the iodine smell is gone (about 20 sniffs).
- Do this at least three times daily but as often as you can according to the severity of the infection.
- In the short term expect to see more catarrh as the body sweeps out the dead microbes.
[e.g. pathology such as infected spots, chicken pox, cold sores, swollen lymph nodes, nail infections, ear infections, cradlecap, skin fungal infections (tinea, ringworm, acne, boils) scabs and bruises.]
- Take 100mls of coconut oil and place the pot in a warm place so the oil just melts.
- Stir in 10mls of Lugols Iodine to give you a 1.5% mix to smear over the infected area
Iodine can also be used in much higher doses therapeutically. Its contact kills all microbes and is the best disinfectant. It helps to strip out toxic metals from the body and one can safely take 50mgs daily. (Lugol's iodine 15% one drop contains 18.75mgs).
(One 30 ml bottle contains approx. 600 drops)
Lugol's Iodine 15% - 30 ml (Potassium Iodide is 7.5% and Iodine is 11.25%)
Take 2 drops Lugol's iodine 15% minimum daily for life.
Derived from Mined Crystals.
Shake well before use
Store in a cool dark place
NOTE: The label is discoloured as Lugol's Iodine is drawn through the bottle.
The product is perfectly fine.
This product is contained within a glass bottle
I do not do iodine testing simply because we are all deficient, iodine sufficiency can be achieved with 50mgs Lugol’s daily - -and it is so safe with a wide margin of therapeutic/toxic dose.
Customer reviews
Internal whole body vibration Verified Purchase
Iv only been using a week - since last august i have the feeling I am plugged into an electrical socket it’s like the bed is vibrating whilst im trying to sleep and upon waking - im sure it’s slightly better hoping by the time my iodine levels improve it may just disappear - its a weird feeling - the iodine stays on my skin for hours so think im majorly deficient
H Hook | Suffolk | February 2025
The nutrient iodine is essential for every cell of the human body. Verified Purchase
It's so easy to take, just 2/3 drops in a glass of water.
Michael Briody | London. | December 2024
Verified Purchase
Good service, good feedback, speedy delivery service.
Thank you!
Helen Githiomi | devon | December 2024
Prompt service. Excellent packaging. Great product. Verified Purchase
Ann Rowbory | | October 2024
Good products at good prices Verified Purchase
Always happy with the products I get from this site
Emma Leeper | | October 2024